Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Feminist Newbie Speaks...

No one likes to admit they’re a newbie. Especially me. I graduated high school a year early, moved to Europe, learned a second language, studied, traveled to Asia. I’ve worked with the affluent; I’ve worked with refugees. I’m trying to change the world by being the best person I can be. I read everything I can get my hands on, and I always want to learn more. 
When I first learned about feminism – beyond the initial “No, I don’t hate men!” dismissal of it – I was engrossed by how many issues are currently at play around the world. From female genital mutilation in Africa and the Middle East to rape on college campuses across America. From men attacking women with acid in India, to men catcalling on city streets across the globe. These are serious issues that can no longer be ignored, and by calling myself a feminist, I am showing solidarity to all the men and women suffering by the constructs of a misogynistic society. I’m here to fight it. But the truth is, there’s only so much a girl can learn by 20. So I’m a newbie feminist.
I’ve gone through quite a number of books, countless articles and documentaries and yet sometimes I still find myself in contradictory positions or just plain confused. What’s so offensive about my natural body and the hair that grows on it, and why am I shaving despite the lump in my stomach? Why do the little girls I work with already know that purple is a girls color and blue is a boys color and yet I'm passing them the crayons? Why do all the Disney princesses only want to get married? Am I a hypocrite for wearing this red dress and heels when I vehemently protest the objectification of women?
In full disclosure, I am cis-gender and will approach these issues as such. I know that gender is a spectrum, but I can only reflect on experiences through my own perspective. I try to be as aware as I can, but ultimately, I’m living a subjective adventure and this blog is only my thoughts on it. Discussions are encouraged. Challenges are more than welcome. If I’m offensive in rhetoric or belief, let me know AND why. I’d like this blog to be a place where everything is on the table. This is a big world and I’m just another newbie in it. But I’m on a mission for equality, so let’s get started.

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